Software Machines That Make Machines machine: links:
MTM Snap Desktop Milling Machine Motion Control w/ Arduino, GRBL, and GCTR
Mac OS X
Install CrossPack for avr-gcc, AVR Libc, avrdude, etc. Ubuntu apt-get install avrdude gcc-avr avr-libc screen git Install Processing. If you're using an Arduino Uno, you'll also need to download Arduino and replace processing-1.5.1/modes/java/libraries/serial/library/RXTXcomm.jar with arduino-0022/lib/RXTXcomm.jar. Otherwise the serial communication doesn't work. grbl (g-code interpreter for Arduino) MTM Snap version: git clone grbl The Makefile is currently setup for an Uno on Mac OS X. If you're using another operating system, you'll need to replace /dev/tty.usb* with the serial port of your Arduino. (On Linux, this is likely /dev/ttyACM0 for an Uno and /dev/ttyUSB0 for other boards. On Windows, look in the Device Manager to determine the COM port.) If you're using an Arduino Duemilanove, you'll need to change the baud rate from 115200 to 57600.
to compile grbl:
to load grbl on to the Arduino:
to configure grbl settings (e.g. feed rate): gctrl (grbl gui, written in Processing) git clone gctrl Open in Processing and click the run (play) button. Instructions are in the application's window. One small bug is that if you want to select a serial port in gctrl, you need to press and hold down 'p' for a long time to get the available ports. We'll fix this in the next release. Be sure to zero the machine before streaming a g-code file!
kokompe (for generating toolpaths and g-code)
grbl/Makefile PROGRAMMER = -c stk500v1 -P /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200 grbl/config.h
#define STEPPING_DDR DDRB grbl/settings.h
// steps per revolution * revolutions per inch / mm per inch